Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle

Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle
Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle

5 thoughts on “Police covert undercover Kawasaki motorcycle

  1. Jesus the “they could me near you now” and “if you can’t see the police or hear them don’t think they’re not watching” bits could be plucked out of Orwell’s 1984. Creepy.

  2. FFS the goddammit police should be stopping crime NOT REACTING TO IT! Texting and driving should be cause for license suspension but out there on undercover bikes to issue TAX TICKETS for no seatbelts while drug trafficking, rapes and robberies are occurring is total bullshit and proof positive the law enforcement agencies are tax collectors so they can pay for more officers to collect even more taxes so they can buy more Shiney paramilitary type toys to “protect and serve the public “

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