Kawasaki Ninja 250 vs car Deadly accident in high way road Singapore

Kawasaki Ninja 250 vs car Deadly accident in high way road Singapore

37 thoughts on “Kawasaki Ninja 250 vs car Deadly accident in high way road Singapore

  1. kalo udah liat begini kadang saya bersyukur motor saya cuma vespa. gak berani ngebut karena remnya gak pakem. keep safety riding gan.

  2. Mengingat rider2 di Indonesia kayak apa gilanya kalo bawa motor… Sepertinya kalo disini diperbolehkan motor masuk Tol, bakal banyak kejadian serupa.

  3. Kang kenapa ga kasih link video aslinya aja daripada upload ulang kayak gini ? Masa iya sih mau nyari duit dari video tragedi orang lain dan bukan direkam sendiri oleh kang iwan.. kok kayaknya ga etis ya…

  4. ambil hikmah dari video ini , mengingatkan kita untuk selalu berhati – hati saat berkendara , dan hargai sesama pengguna jalan, semakin besar CC kendaraan, semakin dewasa sikap kita, jangan egois dan sombong kekayaan yang dimiliki bisa musnah hanya dalam hitungan detik, tetap safety riding di jalan , pacar dan ortu selalu menanti kehadiran kita dirumah 🙂

  5. Motornya emang lagi kenceng tapi liat lah itu mobil berhenti di tepi kanan jalan…

    Eits, jgn negatif dulu! Itu kan udah dikasi tau kalo mobilnya berhenti karena mogok. Kenapa ga taro segitiga? Karena… mungkin dia lupa bawa? Who knows…

    Memang kalo motornya ga ngebut kemungkinan dia nabrak lebih kecil, tapi tetep aja ya namanya mobil berhenti di kanan jalan tol tuh ya ga disangka², ga ngaruh ente ngebut atau ngga.

  6. terungkap sudah kenapa di indonesia jalan tol tidak diperuntukan untuk kendaraan roda 2

  7. kan udah nyalain lampu hazard pertanda mobil lg ada masalah atau mogok. masak iya langsung pasang segita sedangkan baru aja mogok. lagian kalau gak ngebut2 amat dan kecepatan normal mungkin juga bisa liat ada objek didepan lg apa. cmiiw

  8. Nah ini bahayanya kalau ngebut, ada yang berhenti mendadak di depan, susah buat menghindar/ngeremnya.

  9. shit, i cant emagine if i got that accident, be slow and always keep carefully, safety is a first priority.

  10. They’re trying to be in too much of a hurry to get to America and hiding that Deeds trunk they forgot to slow down stop and get off

  11. Wuikk….helm boncenger-nya udah lepas dari kepala sebelum tubuh boncenger mendarat di aspal cmiiw

  12. WTF??? Not one single person stops to help? Everyone just drives by? Not even out of curiosity? What kind of people live in this country? Well I suppose they are still homo erectus and they still have a long way to evolve into homo sapiens!
    I doubt if they even have an elementary medical system there! I certainly would never go there as a tourist, that’s for sure!!
    Imagine landing up in a hospital there, the doctors will probably “help you along” into the next world, lol !!

  13. ini akibat arogan di jalan . udah tau padet . malah speding. Mobil nya juga ngapain berhenti di jalur cepat . sama sama salah !!

  14. Speed was the killer here !! And I’ve noticed in these high speed impacts, the head (of the victims) always lands first! You have no time to land on your hands/feet! The result is almost always instant death!!

  15. The victim that fly and fall head first didn’t die, but the one that crashed into the bonnet died, thanks me later

  16. Heed this warning, folks: I was on a 3 lane highway once behind a truck cruising at about 65-70mph when the car in front of me suddenly changed lanes. He changed lanes because the truck that appeared suddenly in front of him wasn’t moving. The car that was in front of me that changed lanes was a hugh SUV so I couldn’t see in front of him. That non-moving vehicle in the center land almost ended up on my lap if I hadn’t changed lanes in time. Thank God I didn’t lose control. I pulled some Racer X shit I have know idea how but I did. I never drive behind large vehicles anymore. Or I just lay back to improve visibility.

  17. Jokes apart, but at 1:00 you can clearly see.that the biker’s ( behind the white car ) pant also tore,near his butt cheeks, so this tells us that the crash was really horrible.
    Maybe they recover soon.

  18. Ok with the description about what caused the accident but…. you never pass by a car from the right side. So, Despite the lack of warning boards, nothing would have happend if the rider’s maneuver had taken place at the left side of the car.

  19. Both men are in intensive care with multiple fractures, and police investigations are on-going.

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